Friday, 21 July 2017


Maharshi Atri performed Tapasya for thousand Divya years and pushed up his virility and the
magnificent deposit in the form of drops from his eyes spread out outstanding illumination in all over
the ten directions. Realising the unique development, Brahma facilitated the emergence of Chandra
Swarupa and provided to him a Chariot to traverses across the entire Universe.Chandra made twenty
one full circles from Prithvi to Great Samudra and in the process transmitted extreme luminosity
which when it touched Bhumi created ‘Anna’ or Foodgrains and derivatives like seeds, herbs,
Aoushadhis and so on. Brahma made him in-charge of Brahmanas and their activities. He organised
an unprecedented Rajasuya Yagna which was attended by a galaxy of Devas and Maharshis, besides
lakhs of Brahmanas who were showered with gifts and ‘Dakshinas’ or cash money. Nine illustrious
women like Sini, Kuhu, Dyuti, Pushti, Prabha, Kirti, Dhriti and so on. At the time of his Avabhruta
Snaana or Sacred Bathing to mark the Grand Finale of the Yagna, Chandra was like a personification
of humility and honesty. But soon Chandra changed his attitude due to conceit and power; he
committed the ‘Mahapataka’ or a great Sin of enticing Devi Tara, the wife of Deva Guru. Brihaspati,
other Devas and Brahma himself chided his nasty and immoral acivity to no avail. Shukracharya the
Asura Guru espoused the cause of Chandra and Tara and a fight broke out between Asuras and Devas
as Deva Guru headed the Deva Sena (Army). In course of time, Tara was conceived and Brihaspati
insisted that the delivery should not be in his residence til Tara’s delivery and that she could join him
after delivery.

Then Budha was born and he grew as an extraordinarily learned Vidwan of Veda-Vedanga-Shastras.
Brahma was impressed with Budha and thus appointed him as a fulfledged Graha or Planet. Budha
performed great Tapasya to atone the sin of his parents. Brahma considering Chandra’s arrogance
and selfishness, made Budha’s placement in the firmament right opposite to that of his father’s but
Budha was friendly with Ravi and Shukra. Budha fell in love with Ila, a beautiful young woman, little realising that she was actually the King Sudyumna a pious ruler of his Subjects. The King entered into a forest not knowing that it was a forbidden place as Shiva and Parvati spent their privacy and the ban was that any male entering there would become a female. Thus the King became a beautiful woman but due to shyness did not return to his kingdom. Sage Vasishta who was the Raja Guru of King Sudyumna came to know of the curse and performed severe Tapasya to Maha Deva. Meanwhile, Budha met Ila per chance and married her and begot a child called Pururava. By then Vasishta was fortunate to secure Maha Deva Shiva’s ‘darshan’ and requested that his King be returned to manhood. Shiva granted a partial dispensation that Sudyumna would become a male for half a year and during the second half continue as Ila Devi.